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Saturday, March 8, 2008

So there's this girl :D

Its how these situations usually start out and I find myself saying to one of the many people I know in a myspace message. Even my exes.
Usually Sara because she gives the tough love advice.

Odd world isn't it?

I stumbled across a lot [[and I mean a lot]] of poems [[as well as some pictures]] that I'd written for when I was in love. There was some for Amy, some for Jasmin. Some for Gaby [[wonder whatever happened to her?]]. Even one for Lizzy! Surprisingly enough. Those were simpler times. Back when I didn't think relationships were pure shit. You have someone to thank for that now. D8 *le gasp!* anyways yeah it brought back good memories, bad ones, and made me smile just a bit. Heh who would've thought?

Also ran into some of my many failed flash myspace designs and old myspace designs. I should pick back up HTML but I'm to lazy. Hahaha.

Spring is here. Time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of stuff from the past!

New art on the way.

Stay up.

Oh yeah there isn't any girl.

At least not that I know of...

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