Well good news is I feel 100% better than I did yesterday. :D couldn't be happier about that. Guess I just had a one day fling kinda thing or something? I don't know I'm just happy it got better instead of worse y'know? Although my head still hurts a little but thats a normal with me...Anyways yeah feeling really good right now. Not in pain or anything like that. So yeah feeling real good.
But now its onto something thats bothering me since I don't have any new art or anything to post. Take this as a rant. Hah. But my dreams...they keep getting weirder and weirder. Like I'm getting stuck in them or something...I don't know what it is. But its really starting to upset me. They start off really great and all of that but in an instant they turn to shit. Its like a reflection of my life. How I start off happy then end up sad and mad and all of that stuff...I don't know. Take for instant the dream I had yesterday/this morning. Excellent. I was married, young, a successful artist and all of that. I don't know who I was married to. I know for a fact that she wasn't black though. I don't do black. Nothing but trouble. Hah. Biased? I know. But its based off of personal experience as well. Anyways different story for a different time. Anyways then all of a sudden the dream turns horrible. I wake up [[or so I thought and notice that I'm not in my usually cramped bed. I wake up in some trendy ass loft high above the city. But something was off...I wasn't happy at all. I was alone. Just this big ass bed, me and an apartment...Nothing else. It was confusing and upsetting. What happened to the wife and all the happiness? Maybe it left like everyone is destined to do? Maybe it never even existed? Maybe I'm dreaming right now and in reality I'm actually 23+ and living the life. Only thing is I'm stuck in a constant flashback that seems to be playing out like a movie? If only that were the case. Then I'd be more understanding but that'd mean I'm stuck in the past....Not good. Anyways its been going on for a while. They keep getting weirder and weirder and its harder to tell reality from fiction....hrmmm haven't I said that before? I don't know its weird. I wake up but I'm not awake. I see my room and everything looks normal. Of course the first thing I do is make sure I'm awake. Big mistake because after that hell breaks loose. Long story short my dreams are actually starting to scare me...Don't know what to think of them anymore. Don't know if they have any special meaning or anything like that....
Then today I wake up. Nothing out of the normal right? Wrong!
My dad gives me money?!?! He never ever ever does things like that. And I mean never! So something is obviously wrong there. $20 USD...its odd actually for real. Maybe moms said something to him and he finally caved? I don't think so. I don't know. I'll hold onto the money as long as I can though...see whats up with it.
I'm hoping to save this money to either:
A. Pay my phone bill.
B.It'll go towards something stupid.
C. Kim and stuff.
Probably going to to end up being C. though because well we go out to lunch like every other day. And its a rather expensive affair...Kim's a rather expensive person at that...Wonder what she's doing now?
Anyways moving on!
Decided to get off of my ass since I spent all day yesterday sleeping and complaining about stuff and skate. It was great. A little rocky at first because I haven't actually skated for real in about a week or so...Not to sure there. But yeah it took some getting back into the swing of things. Worked on my Spacewalks, G-turns, Kickflips, Ollies, Heelflips, Pop shuv-its, Primo's, One wheeled primo's, Varial Heels, Tre flips, Frontside Flips, FS 180 ollies, Fakie triple kickflips, and double flips. I'm pretty sore from that work out. Hahaha that alot of tricks and thats barely scratching the surface of them. I need to get all of them solid so I can use them in S.K.A.T.E. and not lose again like I did on wednesday? Yeah it was wednesday...against David Rubio. Won't happen again. Of course the session got canned because some asshole decided to park in the fucking skate spot. Good job moron. Whats even better is out of the shitty honda jumped two ingnorant ghetto wannabe gangstas [[whose pants were below their waist they were petty much down.]] and a whole bunch of half-dressed morbidly obese women. I believe they'd be considered Ho's by rap standards. And not good looking ones at that. Anyways they canned the session and now I'm pissed about that....For real. But its cool because I did get some skate time in and thats fine I guess...I need a new board for real...
Called Kim yesterday. It seems like it'd been forever since the last time I'd talked to her on the phone. We usually used to talk for 2+ hours late at night when I could afford to keep my celluar. But now we don't even talk that often. :/ the only time we really do talk is when we're at school at lunch and sometimes on myspace. Seems like she ignores me or doesn't notice me half of the time. Oh well. Y'get used to it I guess. Anyways where was I? Oh yeah I called her. Always an adventure because she never answers the phone. Its usually her mom....Which is where the problem arises. I have nothing but respect for her mom and what she does and I'm not trying to talk down on her or anything [[so if someone is going to take it that way then stop reading now]] and I apologize if I offend Kim or her mom. Not intentional. I'll probably take this part of the blog out just to be safe. We'll see what happens. Anyways I called her and her mom answers. I'm actually afraid of Kim's mom because she doesn't speak English that well and tends to yell at me. I don't know how you guys take adults yelling at you but its rather scary. Especially when its a[n] woman. Anyways keep in mind I feel like absolute shit when I was calling her. I could barely talk or anything like that:
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
"Hi may I speak to Kim?" I ask struggling to get the words out.
"Huh?" her mom screams I think?
"May I speak to Kim?" I say a little louder trying to make my voice sound normal.
"WHAT?!?! YOU NEED TO SPEAK UP!?!" her mom yells back.
"Hello? You there? Speak louder."
"MAY I SPEAK TO KIM?!?!?! MAY I SPEAK TO LY?!?!?" I yell back as hard as I can.
"What I can't hear you...Why're you calling? No." her mom yells back. Then I get something in Vietnamese. Could quite make it out and a rather angry, "BYE!" *Click*
Now at this time I'm a little peeved because one I didn't feel good. I know her mom didn't know that but still I was really trying to communicate her and be calm throughout it. And another thing that really upsets me is people hanging up on me like that. I'm not angry at her mom for any of this it was just a very irritating affair. But there was nothing that could be done about it. So I decided to myspace Kim and let her know what had happened.
Again I'm met with the oh so familiar cold shoulder that I seem to get from her a lot. And I mean a lot...I don't know if I upset her or something. I wasn't trying to. I didn't really feel that great [[as I've stated before]] and yeah it was a rather frustrating affair. So if you read this sometime soon Kim I apologize if I made you mad or offended you. Wasn't on purpose but it was due to lack of communication I guess....
My brother was like, "Why don't you get Kim to teach you how to say it in her native language outlander?"
He's been playing to much Elderscrolls: Morrowind and Oblivion.
I respond, "Because I'm lazy, and thats to much trouble y'know?"
"You're dumb..."
"Well it happens I guess."
"And you're ugly, you black bastard"
"Fuck you ass."
Thats usually how our conversations end up. Him calling me ugly or talking down upon me and me cussing at him. Its brotherly love at its best. Hahaha. Like a comedy.
Man I need to get my cellphone cut back on. It'd be a lot easier that ways for real..
But to do that I need money. The only problem is I can't save money to save my ass. Hahaha. Which is non-existent just like. Hahaha play on words. But yeah need the money. Hopefully I'll have it soon and then I can talk all I want for another month and not have to worry about a thing. Although this would also be a lot easier if my parents didn't have that stupid "No calls after 9 rule." that seems to be common among black families. Damn them and their same thinking.
Ahh simpler times...where'd you go?
Anyways I've been rambling on in this blog forever it seems. Its just a lot has happened to me in the past 48 hours. I guess I should break it up but I figured I'd give you guys something to keep you entertained. Does anybody even read this blog?
Well I'm kinda tired the ruined skate session has worn my arse out and now sleep is calling for me.
Don't know when I'll have some new art to show. Just stay tuned I guess.
Meh. Also one last rant thingy. Inking fucking sucks. Its the most frustrating thing ever I swear it is. Makes me hate art even more although I love it so much....Ahh well it takes practice I guess...I GUESS.
Wanna go to La Raz? La Paz? Raz Paz? Raz Pa? I don't know the name. Want to go but I'm not to sure as of yet whats up there. Need to find a ride if thats the case.
We'll see what happens though.
Stay up.