8:11? a.m?!?!?
It just seems like I was laying down in my bed thinking on things from Valentines....
Yes this is a blog where the ever present Kim is mentioned. :]
Ahh Valentines day...one of the most dreaded days of the year for me. Its all filled with love and happiness and all sorts of other things that make me want to vomit. One big as corporate scam :p blah....But this year was different. This year was a different Valentines day that made me think that its not that bad of an ordeal. For one I wasn't actually alone on this day. I wasn't really single either [[well whatever you call it]] I was with Kim. And that usually means its going to be something great or fun. Somewhere in between the two? Anyways we decided to spend the day together. Having decided on it the previous night while having this weird myspace conversation using the friend status instead of message or comments like normal people would do...Anyways yeah I was late [[a first actually usually she's the late one. Hah]] but its because I'd decided to ditch 3rd period and hop in my friends Car and drive all the way to Benbrook. Another story for another time. Hahaha. But anyways it was only two to three minutes late. Kim took it like it was an hour and I was greeted with a nice fist to the rib/gut. A usual with her. And a stern "You're late you ass!" I could just hear my friend Alfonso and Jahaziel laughing at me from the car they were in. Great. Anyways after some quick apologizing and some rubbing on my hurt rib we departed to the coffee house gallery?....
[[Time lapse]]
Upon arriving at the coffee house after Kim explained to me how she liked Valentines day because she could give people kisses and more small talk we were there. Inside Kim decided to order food BUT was 4 dollars to short of $10.86. What made it funny was that she decided to count in spanish which made it even more funny because she got stuck on ciete [[7]] and yeah I had to spot her the $4. I actually think this is the first time that Kim has had to pay for anything since we've been seeing each other. Hah. Anyways she once again got this weird mushroom thing...that was slimy. Eww it was some of the nastiest stuff I'd ever seen. I'd eaten it the time before when we were here with Daisy the last time but this time I wasn't going to eat it. I didn't even want to look at it. Kim rather enjoyed it...Nasty. Anyways before we got the order of food. I wanted to snap a couple of pics for drawing purposes. Kim was being rather stubborn. And so I was going to get her to smile. Well upon extending my hand to try to get her to smile [[did I mention that she's a rather stubborn person at times?]] I just so happend to graze her glass of peach tea and spill it all over the table, her jacket, and my pants. :/ just great. Smooth moves Marcus. Real smooth. Anyways I just sat there dumbfounded for a while until she was like, "You better clean this up." and so I sprang into action. Darting around the corner and up to the counter to ask the cashier for some napkins or anything to clean up the mess. I'll tell you something she'd been hitting on Kim the entire time since we walked in there and she flashed that ever so seductive smile of hers that seems to get me going at times. Damn Kim and her womanly wiles. Hahaha. Anyways the lady was quick to go over there and assist us. Or more like Kim...Anyways she grabbed her glass and was like, "Here I'll get you a new one with some more ice." it was alot of tea for a small glass. It didn't make much sense. Anyways while they were dealing with that I was busy trying to get the tea off of my lap. For fear that it may have looked like I'd pee'd on myself like some eight year old child who couldn't hold it in. It was all one big mess. Horribly embarrassing but it was to funny to not laugh. :D Anyways the lady had returned with Kim's "peach tea" she made sure she knew that she'd mentioned that it was peach tea and gave it to her. They exchanged looks and Kim gave a slight flirty comment complimenting the young lady on her shirt and some lame flirty thing that the lady obviously liked. I was trying my hardest not to laugh my ass off. [[Lmao]] but yeah it was a great and funny moment. My crotch smelled like peach tea....Damn Kim and her womanly wiles. Hahaha.
[[Time lapse]]
Walking around mid downtown. Pretty fun. Always is. Not going to go into details on this one because well...It was great. :D hahaha. Had alot of fun though. For real. The whole peach tea thing is still kinda funny and I'm chuckling just sitting here typing this [[instead of doing my work as usual]] hahaha. But yeah Valentines this year was pretty damn awesome. Still think the holiday sucks and is a corporate scam to get money; but all in all I'm a little less biased about it. Hahahaha.
Since I'm still in a bit of an art rut at the moment I'm still picking up realism time and doing portrait sketches.

Brenda Sketch. Done in my first period class. Pretty fun stuff. She's so light so it was really fun to draw her. Again this is a sketch. Took about an hour on this one. But yeah it was fun. The sub guy was like, "Man you're going to get alot of girls that way." funny shit.

And a sketch of me. :D I don't really like it but thats because I don't like looking at myself in general. Blah. Its okay but still not the greatest. None of these are. Blah.
Damn art rut.
Hahah I'm probably going to get it for posting a blog about Kim....
Stay up.
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