So apparently there's blame going around of some "gang related taggings" appearing on buses. Naturally everyone would think to look towards the artist right? Funny thing about it is. I didn't do shit. I'm innocent. I think they're going to get my friend Kool-aid though because well they seem to have it out for him. He's the first one people are coming to and blaming. So yeah he might get the blame. Which would suck because well it just would. The simple fact that I blame the youth of today for this little mishap. Gang related taggings....shame. Anyways since he's probably going to end up getting blamed for this I don't really have much to worry about. I'm innocent and all of that so we'll see what happens...But Him...they blame is going to get put on him hard. Which is kinda messed up because other people from other schools have to ride the buses as well right? So what makes them think that it wasn't one of them y'know? Why do the kids from our school automatically get blamed? Sure there was that incident where all the "taggers" were getting caught at our school...But I mean that doesn't mean that everone at tech is a tagger. Tagging isn't even my thing. I'd prefer to express myself in drawings rather than simple scribbles over territory and other shit. Things that people are willing to kill over just because of the wrong name, race, or color. Yes something so innocent like color is whats killing people today as well...Anyways I swear arts going to be the death of me for real....Hopefully Kool-aid won't get blamed for all of this nonsense and hopefully all this will blow over. I don't know. I don't care. I know whats true and all of that. So its me against them. Although this should be interesting because some people are weak minded people and crack under pressure. Whats also interesting is that the driver is now going to place blame for all of the taggings on that individual. Which means if they do declare Kool-aid as the "culprit" then that means he gets blamed for the one's he didn't do as well as the others that have been noticed. Isn't it great how the system works? Sarcasm to the max. Anyways we'll see what happens...It should all come to head in the next few days or so....Its just damn I'm kinda worried because I just so happened to be in one of the "spots" at the wrong time I guess. We'll see though. We'll see....
No art this time because I'm in a serious crunch to get my shit together now. Plus its been a while since I've been able to draw anything. I've been neglecting and rejecting my pencil. So I seriously need to get out of this art block and get cracking to shirt designs. Waco is in less than a week and yeah...The pressure is on.
Its just this whole tagging thing has got me on edge...Have they even thought to consider the fact that maybe it was one of those little kids that did it? I mean they were on the bus before we were and they had stuff like cellphones and stuff. What the hell is a little kid [[no older than the age of 7]] doing with a freaking cellphone? I can't even afford to keep mine on and I wasn't even allowed to have one till I was at least in the the 7th grade. Kids these days have it so easy. For real...
Oh well we'll see what happens. Blame is already going around and people are pointing fingers at Kool-aid. So yeah we'll see what happens. Hope he doesn't get blamed for it though and hopefully all this shit blows over....
I need to draw...
Oh and yesterday was very interesting. For real. Made some leway in pretty much everything and yeah stuff seems to be getting back to normal...I got verbally bitch slapped by Kim yesterday. First one I've gotten. It was pretty harsh. Made me seem like a horrible person. But it also made me open my eyes and see that I spend most of my time wallowing in my own pitty and I shouldn't be that way...A slap of reality is all that it takes I guess to make you realize that you need to change. Still was a little harsh. Hahaha. I didn't know how to take it though because I was left speechless. Seemed like she'd been holding it in for the longest time and finally decided to let it out. Hah.
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