Anyways cancel the plans on La Raz or whatever its called. I decided not to go just for the simple fact that Kim's bff Chris is going with her. And I mean she hasn't seen him in like forever so I figured it'd be best to let them catch up and be all best friendy [[not even a real word]] and stuff and me not be a third wheel. As the saying goes. "Two's a company three's a crowd." Plus I don't want to be a burden on anyone or anything like that. Hrmm where have I heard that before? [[Makes mocking noise]] "I don't want to be dragging you around. Blah blah blah." Hah damn past. Seems like things from it keep coming back and into my head. Why? I don't know. It needs to stop though. Its just ever since that time it seems like everything for me has been more of a "I think thats what everyone thinks of me." kinda thing. Although I've heard multiple times that it was just one person saying that. Still that one time is enough to make you question everyone in general. Even yourself as I'm doing. Hah.
So yeah decided not to go. Just because I wasn't invited, and I don't know. I don't want to be in the way. As I constantly feel that I'm being to most people anyways. And yeah yeah yeah I know I sound emo or whatever. Shut the hell up. Its my ways of thinking I don't go into your house and judge you based upon the way you think or anything like that....
Anyways -_-*sigh* just think I kinda depressed myself. Hahaha. Going to become a lardy fat comic book guy now. Although Adam Hughes is a pretty awesome guy. :D
Moving on...
Dreaming for me is becoming a bit of a hassle...Its not something I enjoy anymore its more like a chore. And I hate chores....
Blah. And apparently I've been sleeping with a knife in my bed. Hrmm odd. A butter knife at that. It was stabbing me in my side when I woke up and I think its been there for a while. I don't know....Its odd. Its scary as well. How long has it been there? A lot of the stuff that shows up in my bed is scary actually. Hahahaha.
Anyways peep this!
Drawn by Kim. Pretty awesome. It has her style all over it. Am I that dark? Hahahaha I love it though. Its the first time I've actually been drawn. :D good stuff.
Although I'd never wear a yellow shirt underneath a black one... ;] but thats just me being picky and making fun.
My hats to you Kim. Much appreciated.
Its things like this that make me smile. Makes me actually feel appreciated and cared about y'know? Stuff like that.
Stay up.
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