When I wait until last minute to go to college and in some miraculous way manage to put together a decent portfolio in time to register only to get denied my student loan. Just like last year. Anyways this year I've got lots of schools in mind and I'm lowered it down to my top 3.
Only problem is 2 of them require SAT1 scores and I've never taken SAT's yet alone prepared to take them. :p Hell I can barely add to save my life so yeah not possible. But I'm determined to get outta here and explore the world so this is portfolio piece number 1. I'm going to be cheap and use some of the ones I did last year just to catch me up. So we'll see how it goes wish me luck!

Fuck I hate doing portfolios.
This picture as the others are more than likely going to be undergoing serious renovations to ensure they're done to my utmost ability.
Stay up.
I remember when I was younger and my counselor would ask me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" me being the dorky little kid I was and obsessed with Bust-A-Groove would always respond "A nascar driver or a dancer!" which would usher me odd looks but what did I care? I was young and carefree or stupid if you wish.
Funny how as I look back on my youth and where I'm headed now I realize that when you're young things are more simpler; and when you're older they become more complicated. Responsibilities, fulfillment, wants and desires all come into effect. When you're younger you're almost carefree. Like swinging on a swing set but you're legs aren't long enough to reach the ground so you just sway to and fro, back and forth, the world beneath your feet, your mind carefree.
It was good to be young.
I can now honestly say "when I was younger" and it have actual meaning.
I wonder what life has in store for me now...
I wonder where tomorrow will take me and where yesterday has left me...
Its time to start making things "happen" and not wait for them to happen.
Got a long way to go, this is just the milestone on this crazy adventure called "life".
Happy 20th Makasu
Stay up.
To start off the new year but completely wrecking my body... :/
ALAS as my last name has some terrible curse on it and anything thats bad seems to gravitate towards me like I have my own orbit or something another.
I slip.
And completely mess my body up.
Stomach was all cut up, hand are completely fucked. Just typing this is putting me through a lot of pain. Elbow dislocated. Leg cut up. Surprisingly enough though my pinkie didn't break. Which I figured it would because its all cut up but thats it.
So now I have 4 holes in my hand and then some. My left hand got off lucky only two holes in it. The right though. Nu-uh. 4 holes, torn up knuckles, cut to shreds pinkie, hole in my wrist [[wtf?]] and palm scratched to high hell. Oh boy oh joy what a great way to start off whats more than likely going to be another shitty year.
I need to start doing college prep as I have plans to attempt to attend Uni. sometime this fall. "Attempt" being the key word. But with my hands all mangled up likes like all the drawing is on halt.
Albeit this happened on the 31st. I walked into work, blood everywhere. Like I had just survived a Quentin Tarantino slasher flick or something, AND STILL HAD TO WORK! Ain't that some shit? My job is very discriminate against race. :/ If you're not Thai you're not shit. You don't get days off to play "soccer" you fall, you still have to work. And oh boy oh joy don't let you get injured. Just slap on some gloves and you're good to go!
I need a new job and fast. Music store is hiring so I'll put in an application there. Maybe I can score a drum kit off them for cheap or something. Hahaha.
ANYWAYS all that aside I'm all bandaged up, still have to work, still car less, girlfriendless, and anything else bothering me. Go figure. Story of my life.
So this year is starting off bad. Last year did too [[IE gf running off to get married to 10 year older guy. Also revealing that she's pregnant by him. Whilst I was none the wiser.]] Yep so lets see what this year brings.
Here's something I was working on but I couldn't get it to look right so now its just shit.
I SERIOUSLY need to practice anatomy...

Stay up.