Now I normally don't do more "cartoonish" kinda stuff because I get complaints about it. But drawing people has kinda lost my interest as well. :/ So in trying something completely new!

But there you go.
I liked doing this. Of course my lines are kinda shaky but thats okay. :)
Heh who would've figured. I'm actually kinda happy with the end result. Even if some parts are "askew". :/ gotta work on that.
I'll post the lines as well in case some of my readers [[who actually reads this?]] want to try their hands at coloring it!

Have at it!
Well A LOT has happened as of late. Like a lot. I don't even understand where its all coming from but slowly and surely things might be making a return towards normal. I figuerd I'd update this more because I don't know I've been "neglecting" the blog a bit. Not really its just I don't want to fall into the habit of having to update the thing like I did constantly. :p so if it takes me a while to update its because I'm busy doing other shit.
I have a lot of artwork to upload [[alot of them are failures]] and drawing people isn't really my thing anymore apparently. :o
Gawd I smell like smoke. Blah. The neighbors were burning things in their backyard and there's a giant hazy cloud in the air. Its hard to breath, it makes its really fucking hot, and it makes you smell like smoke. Or bbq. Haha. I think they were burning evidence though...hrmm? Speaking of which teen drama loves to follow me. Stemming from one person. :/ Go figure. Anyways here's the art! Its a quickie thsi time so I didn't put as much time into it as the others y'know? I just needed somethign to do while the cable guy installed cable. Which still makes tv boring. I just have more options to be bored now. Yay!

Actually looking at it. Its really bad. Oh well.
I need to get in a more "calm" state of being. I don't know why but I feel its what I should do. I tend to stress really easily at times and thats not good for my already damaged pysche [[sp?]]. Either ways getting back to normal. Learning to let go and things like that.
So here's new artwork for ya!
The ever so mysterious yet beautiful Noir. I don't know her real name. I don't even remember how I met her. When I first started doing this it looked alot my ex Kim. Hah.