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Friday, December 25, 2009



This is what happens when people want a "White Christmas".


Stay up.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Just dumping off some sketches from the ol [[and finished black book]] Some of these may actually become pieces. While others are just doodles...

I really need inspiration. But nothing inspires me. :/

Stay Up.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Demotivated? Is that even a word?

I'm seriously overworked. I don't have time to do anything "fun" nowadays. And the worst part is I work all this time 10-7 mon-fri and I don't have ANY money. >:/WTF is that? I only get one day off [[which I'm wasting away updating this blog]] since its been getting neglected as of late. But its not necessarily my fault. I don't have internet [[except for my g1s]] and my brother decided it'd be a good idea to stuff our computer in his room. Which means that he's always on it and I'm forced to find other means to keep me entertained. Preferably Modern Warfare 2[[which yes I do own, and which yes I have beaten.]] Simply amazing, but kinda short. The midnight launch thing was okay. A lot of hardcore players were there. I was 14th in line so I got to get mine...well 14th. Hahaha. There was this little kid there that was a monster at the game [[parents let him play to many games]] and he talked a lot of shit. Good stuff. Good times.

Either ways I've been in an artistic slump. I've got my second sketchbook in the works but so far only one page has a doodle on it. :/ So Idk....I need to draw more but I lack motivation. Someone should inspire me!

Here's some art to keep you occupied since I lost ALL of my shit on fileden. :/

Off to play more MW2 :D

Stay up.

Monday, September 28, 2009


My own. Finally moved out of my parents house and into my own spot. Which means I have no rules! Huzzah the freedom of being young (19 at the time of writing this) and free to leave when I want, come back when I want and not have to worry about an FBI investigation or a full body cavity search when I try to sneak in past 2. It feels so free. Its simply amazing. You should keep me company one of these days. :) we can sit on my roof! Actually its not my own spot as I'm sharing it with the brothers but nonetheless its my place to call home now and do as much as I please...

also I'm without internet (I'm updating this via my G1) so I can't get to all the stuff I need to.

@Kim's email: I'm undecided on college at the moment. I wanna go but like I said I just signed a lease for the next 6 months. After that though its open season. Remembering my senior year and how it was spent doing battle with the art teach kinda makes me wanna stay out of classrooms and continue being a self-taught artist. So idk.

I guess that's it for now. When I get internet ill try to respond back to all the stuff I was missing and whatnot. So don't think I'm ignoring you. I'm just without the net. And its killing me actually. All my shits packed up still and I wanna get on the computer but nooo since we lack chairs its just waisting away...

I have new art stuff to show as well.

If you need to get in contact/touch/talk hit me up via cellphone or through myspace (if you have these items of course.)

Stay up.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I never seem to finish anything artistically when I actually get into something. I just somehow lose my motivation to finish it and then I start noticing all of the "errors" I'm to 'self-critical' of myself at times I guess. But its pushes me to better myself. I think? But still I never get anything done it seems. Or at least not to my satisfaction.

I have art block once again. I've had it for the past 3 or so weeks. I wanna draw something but whenever I sit down to try and do something it comes out looking like shit.

So I'm going to post my unfinished [[aka shit-drawings]].
*most recent two are the first two.*

I'm frustrated.
I need inspiration.
Nothing inspires me as of late.

Stay up.

Friday, September 4, 2009

-3 = 97

Yes indeedy.

I made a 97 on my driving test. And yes that does mean that I'm now an officially licensed Texas driver and don't have to have anyone over the age of 21 with me. I figured its only a matter of time before I get pulled over because I speed like a mofo. Hahaha last time I drove on the freeway [[which was yesteday on my way to work]] I glanced down and noticed I was going 80 on a 60. Its all fine though.

NONETHELESS! A 97. Thats better than anyone else in my house has EVER made. :D and I've been driving less time than all of them. Hell I figured I would've failed parallel parking but it was a breeze. Me and the instructor lady were talking about art the entire time so it made the rest of it easy as fuck. Not mention that I'm just naturally a good driver. :> Anyways yep. 97. I only missed 3 because my position on the parallel park was kinda forward and I didn't stop behind a stop sign. :/ but after the test the lady was like [[and I quote]] "You're an EXCELLENT driver. And you're now approved for a license. Make sure you smile big and I hope to see you in a gallery one of these days." Which made yesterday completely worth it. It was a good day. And now that the world is pretty much open to me to explore on my own. Nothings gonna hold me back. Except an empty gas tank. :p

Stay up.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


MY CAR!!!!

SO Happy. But until I get my credentials that say I can "legally" drive in texas I'm supposed to be accompanied by someone who has proper acknowledgement and over the age of 21. But fuck that I say. But yes I do have my car. Not the Gallant I wanted but Suzuki Forenza '05 ain't half bad. Not at all. Driving is the funnest thing. I wanna race so I'm gonna get it hooked up sooner or later. As well as get a new cd player since the shit spits them out when I put them in. Go figure eh?

[pardon my shitty photography.]


Super excited much?
Now the world is open to me. For the most part that is.
I just need to pass my driving test since I've already passed the written part.

Making moves.

Stay up.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Not to mention...

The amount of stress I'm going through at the moment. I tend to stress-out WAY to easily.

I can't think of anything to draw. Yet alone whenever I do think of something it looks like shit. :/

Stress is killing my art....

Here's where the past 31 minutes of my life went to. A shit doodle.

I need to draw something serious soon...

Stay up.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


No art post this time. I promise I'll have something to show sooner or later its just well I've been busy. Work more than lately. I've worked all day for the past two days and I'm worn out. I better keep my off day Sunday or else I'm gonna be pissed. Chow has a habit of not paying attention to the things around him. Unless its a complaint from one of the residents. :/ ANYWAYS....

Ahh The Appleseed Cast. Simply amazing. Not the Pillows or the Seatbelts by any means. But they're damn good. Love it. I wanna learn the tabs for this song. But blah reading tabs takes more time than just playing from listening. And since I can no longer read music it makes legally learning them even more hard. :/

Oh well...

That its.

Stay up.

Friday, July 31, 2009

You'll make a good husband one day...

Not really. My Boss Bia [[who has the hardest last name in the world to pronounce]] is training me to be a "good-husband" by working. She's always lecturing me about how one day I'm going to have a wife who will want me to do everything for her and by making me do all the heavy-lifting at work its preparing me for the future or something like that? It doesn't make sense. Then she's always lecturing me about how I should marry a nice Thai woman. Which I can't help but chuckle at. I don't see how I can be expected to be a good-husband when I can't even be a good boyfriend. Or something like that? I don't know. All I know is they're planning on "setting me up" with a girl from Thailand. Oh boy. Blind dates. Never fun. I do enjoy going on dates though. So I don't know. "Makus" Bia tells me because she speaks broken english, "You gonna make a good husband. You just need to learn dat women don't want a lazy bum. They want a real stron man to help them. Thats why you need to lift and work hard now so you can party later. I work for 37 years and I very successful woman." [[trying to type how Bia talks]] The lectures go on and on but happen every other day. And there's Nook. Who calls me Margaret. Which sounds nothing like my name but she's also Thai. It seems like everyone at my job is trying to hook me up with someone. I don't know why exactly. But wherever I turn I'm either getting talked to about having a girlfriend [[which some people think I specialize in]] or its about marrying a nice Thai girl. Siriporn was Thai. She was also tall. But she told me in Thailand they're afraid of black people. So I don't think me hooking up with a girl straight from Thailand is going to fare well. Although I think we'd have beautiful kids. Hrmm...Still the aspect of getting set up with the boss' pick doesn't appeal to me. Just because its Bia...And Bia is crazy. 37 years of working has messed up her brain. But she has good intentions. We'll see what happens with this whole "Thai wife" thing. But I swear thai women sometimes contain "surprises" which I'm not fond of. Ala are males. :/ not to talk bad about Thai people of course. But porn does corrupt you. Not that I'm much of a fan of porn.

So Idk.


I'm Moving into my own place! Say what???
Sometime soon within the next month or so. Well I'll be renting an apartment with my brothers. But it'll be my own place. Just because I'm more than certain my parents are on the brink of kicking me out on my ass. :/ I'll keep you posted on that as time progresses on and on.

But yep. No rules.

This post is very unorganized.

I'm typing in a rush.
Work tomorrow. But I'm off Sunday! But then work all week.

Stay up.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Having a hard time with anatomy. :/ its like really kicking my ass.

Need to practice.

You can tell where my mind was at on this one as there's some sort of sexual reference in here...but...where?

EDIT: Lines are up

Stay up.

Friday, July 10, 2009


my dad is pissed off at me. Its nothing new. We don't get along for shit. :)

Here's some old art.
Every now and then I like to draw some traditional stuff. I'm actually getting into drawing with ballpoint pens. That ways it forces me to learn from my mistakes. Haha.

Stay up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So I got denied my car. :/ It was a very long process and I was very fucking close to getting it. But my brother was being a bitch and was like, "I'll go with you but I'm not saying shit." so I was forced to do all the talking. It was fine and dandy until it came down to my contacts. Apparently I needed 5 people that know me like the back of my hand. >:/ Problem was only 3 out of 5 did. Because the others either couldn't be reached because they were at work or they weren't answering their phones. But I mean seriously I don't just talk to my friends spouting out my contact information. So I would expect them not to know exactly where I work or how long. The whole process was stupid honestly and truly. I'm guessing because I didn't have my license they didn't want to sell to me either. So I don't know. I'm going to take a couple of weeks. Get my license and then go and get my car. And in the mean time I'll save up more money. I'm actually kinda disappointed at the fact that I was denied because apparently my contacts are what fucked me over. :p Oh well there's always later. That damn Galant better still be there in 3 or so weeks because thats when I'm coming back for it. It was so nice. The seats. All of it. The radio sucked ass though. But radio's can be replaced. I will get that car. This is just something that I must overcome to get to what I need to be. So we'll see how it goes.

I guess that's it. I'll post new art later. I'm incredibly tired from standing in the billion degree Texas weather so maybe I'll take a nap!

A nice long nap.

Stay up.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th times a charm...

So apparently my awesome phone isn't as awesome as I thought. :/ Go figure. But its not the phones fault its actually mine. Since the thing is a mini-computer I feel the need that it needs to be up to date on everything. So that means upping the firmware and such. Upon doing so somewhere along the line I disabled my text messages and picture messages. It wasn't obvious until someone mentioned, "Hey how come you never text back?" and I was like "no...No one ever texts me." which led to a 4 hour session of me trying to fix the damn thing. 1am - 5 am was spent sending texts to and from myself just to make sure it was up and running. And I can finally say that after some trial and error I have my texts back as well as my picture messages. :) I'm dead tired from trying to figure it out but apparently I just needed to reset my apn settings twice. :p go figure. Anyways nothing new really. I'm to tired. I'll post some traditional shit next time or whatever the case. SO IF YOU TEXTED ME OR TRIED TO CONTACT ME VIA CELLUAR THE PAST 1.5 WEEKS. I WAS NOT IGNORING YOU. I HAD NO IDEA THAT MY PHONE WASN'T WORKING CORRECTLY.
so don't think I didn't want to talk to you *cough*Dana*cough*

Guess that's it.

Happy 4th.
I need sleep.

Stay up.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Update on the uptake...

Been along time eh blogger readers?

I never really update this thing. Hell I'm surprised I actually remember[ed] my log in stuff since its been so long. Hah.

Anyways I guess I should update this thing so here you go.

I've hit major art slump and started working part-time as a waiter for a "club-house" sorta thing as they call it. So I don't really have much time for art nowadays [[excuses excuses]] Hell I work from 10-7 tomorrow so its going to be a sucky week for me I guess? I don't know.

Anyways here's what I've managed to squeeze out when I've had time.
they make me practice drawing during breaks at work. :( and if I don't practice they beat me with napkins and various other objects. Its horrible. But I love it.
And most of its pretty damn old. :/ I'll try and update this thing more often but like I said I work like ALL the fucking time and my originality well is tapped dry. >:/

So I'm just uploading for the fuck of it.

Good news is though that I'll be HOPEFULLY buying a car next week after I get paid. 2003 Mitsubishi Gallant. Not to happy about the color but its not bad. Not bad at all.

Guess that's it. Until next time!

Oh and I bought a G1.
Greatest cell phone ever? I think so.
It can play Sega Genisis Roms and Super Nintendo.
So Chrono Trigger and Shinobi rule my life on my off days. Haha.
The bill is VERY expensive though. $109 a month. For the next two years. Thats like 2000 bucks I'm shoveling out to T-mobile for a lot of shit I don't use. I

pretty much just text all the time anyways. :/ I'll have to look into that.

But look at the picture quality it takes! Sorry for the goofy picture I couldn't think of anything else better and I'm not one for taking pictures of myself. :p

If you look at my current profile picture I look like a fish. Hahaha. :D

I don't know why I don't decide to shave before I take pictures. Its like the last thing that slips my mind honestly and truly and I'm to lazy to do the shit to begin with. :p So deal with it please. :)

If you wanna keep up with my latest art adventures you can catch me on these sites:
my myspace
my devart page

where I'm guaranteed to update more often than here.

EDIT: I posted the lines for the sucubus because apparently people didn't like my colors. Haha. It was my first time using Paint Tool Sai so yeah it was bad judgement on my part. :( I really wish I had redrawn the face and cleaned up some of the lines better as some are hella thick and the face bothers me like crazy. :(


Stay up.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Vacation....

With Spring break upon me and nearly over that means that the week was filled with no drawing whatsoever and pretty much spent Rock Banding it or playing RE5 [[Both of which are EXCELLENT]] but yeah alas as the break nears it end that means that its time to get back into the swing of things and get my lazy ass in gear. After all college is coming up! So in the meantime here's something I've been stalling on for like ever and FINALLY decided to call it done since there was no hope of getting it done anytime soon. :/

Curse my laziness as an "artist"

"Fall to Pieces"

Because I feel that sometimes my life is falling to pieces faster than I can pick them up. I skiped a lot of corners on this one because I was tired of looking at it and honestly it didn't come out like I had imagined it in my hear. :/ And I went incredibly crazy with the square brush in photoshop. But its okay because its cool. :D

Speaking of which I got the Ringling College Catalog for where I'll be attending college *Crosses fingers* to pursue my dreams of becoming an artist and yeah its AMAZING. Its a book first and foremost. Like a mini novel or whatever filled with beautiful art, locations, locales and everything. I'll have to scan it up later to show you what I mean.

So excited. Lets see what happens. August 15 is when it all goes down. So I'm going to need some money actually...Hrmmm?

Will draw for money.


My minds starting to wander. Thoughts of romance and such plague this bitter mind of mine.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Was pretty chill. Besides sitting in a dentists office and being nervous out of my ass. I don't know why but whenever I travel I seem to get really really nervous. :p I haven't figured that out yet...

Anyways so yeah I decided to chill at Tech [[my high school]] in the art room. Which I normally don't do but I don't know something opted me too. It was cool laughed it up. Saw people I haven't seen in like forever and I saw Kim...Yeah the ex. I wanted to say hi but I don't know I was in like some weird little state and she didn't bother to say hi to me. She actually shy'ed away when she saw me. :/ I don't know. I figured we had ended things on somewhat decent terms but guess not. Eren told me I should tell her hi but my stubborn male pride wouldn't let me do so. Then I saw Venessa. I haven't seen her in like forever and it was good to see her. :D she's always good people to be around. And she plans on moving near my house! To bad I'll be leaving then. We went apartment looking because she's going to be attending UTA and needed a place to crash. It was pretty cool. I'm going to like apartment looking. I saw a really nice one for $399 a month which doesn't sound bad and I would do if I had a steady job. But I don't so I can't. I was supposed to go back to the dentist at 2:00 but I didn't because I'm me and I function on different things and didn't want to go back. I stalled like crazy and they called my mom like I'm some child!!! Blah. Its cool though. They're good people.

Then I got home to find Rock Band waiting on me. :3 of course me being the drummer that I am set up the drums first and got rid of the other useless insturments. But I was out of practice. But luckily it came back. I wish I could say the same thing about skateboarding. :p

But yeah thats what I've been doing. I really should've said hi to Kim...I don't know why I didn't want to. I did but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I guess I figured if she wanted to talk to me she'd make an effort. Hahaha this is turning into another Kim post. I don't know why that bothers me so much. I saw a few other people I know it was pretty chill. Today was pretty chill actually besides my hand hurting like hell.

I did have some art to upload but I didn't save it so now I'm afraid to go and check on it. So you'll have to wait again.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Its all about style...

Yes indeedy. I don't like the look of this blog. Not one bit. So I'm going to get around to fixing that up.

I'm in a new house! I'm back near where I grew up. :D thats a good thing. I think. Not really I don't like it here. Its not bad its just not great either. There's some stuff to skate here and there but the street is bullshit and eats my wheels alive. :p so that in term means there's no good skate spots. Plus I'm like in the middle of nowhere!!! Well not really but still its like that. All the houses look the same on our side of the street and if it wasn't for the slightly discolored objects here and there you wouldn't be able to peg my house even if I described it to the last detail. Thats how similar they ALL look. There are no hot girls either. :( at least I haven't seen any...I haven't been outside actually. I'd like to go its just I don't know where to go. When I get the chance to go outside its either too hot or too late. :p

It'll get better I hope. Soon? We'll see what happens.
On another note though I haven't drawn shit in like forever. I'm stalling like crazy and I know I am. Its just I really lack motivation. Besides trying to get into college [[and get the hell out of here]] there's not much in between. Nothing worth fighting for really. No one for that matter...gotta love euphamism eh?

Well I guess thats it. Just updating. The world around me just keeps on changing and it doesn't seem like I'm moving in the same direction it is. Its passing me by and each day I know its just another one wasted. But I'm not willing to do what I need to do to change that...

I haven't seen my friends in forever. I was supposed to see Venessa but she's off in her own life and pretty much I don't hang out with anyone. Hell the only people I talk to really are/were Jasmin, Venessa and some other people here and there on myspace everynow and then. I'm hardly on the thing nowadays. Guess its dying out for me. Maybe I should delete my myspace? Hrmm.

Well just random thoughts. Hopefully I'll draw something nice and pretty up and use my scanner for good. Hahahaha. Yeah right. We'll see how that goes. Either ways this is it....so yeah...

Gawd I hate the look of this blog.
I need to fix that.

ALSO!!! Applegeeks is at an all-time bore. I hate when they have these little intervals between the good stuff. I also dislike how much the style changes. I guess thats because I've out-grown my "machall" days. But still I can't get enough of it. I went back and reread the entire series actually.

It never gets old. Just the whole "Kermit wants to sex you up. Yes he does." bit makes me laugh my ass off pretty much.

Good shit. Good shit.

I cuss a lot.

EDIT: I changed the look. This'll hold for now. FOR NOW!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'm testing out the new skin for the blog. I don't like it but the other one was getting kinda old. So this'll hold for now until I get off my lazy ass and switch some things up. I don't know if the comments on this thing work or not so I need to test that as well it seems blogger has been having some issues as of late but I haven't really been on here as of late either so its quite alright for the most part.

I'm waiting for my freaking scanner to get here so I can upload some of my traditional stuff. So thats why there hasn't been any art posts in a while. :p

You'll survive. I hope?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Iilaria Graziano

Is an epic musician/singer. Known for her work on such famous anime's as Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell. I must tell you that she is absolutely AMAZING. Her voice reminds me a bit of Frank Sanatra's style of way back when and me being the avid 30's fan that I am that ain't half bad. :) You should check her out for sure! You won't be disappointed.

I also just scored all of The Seatbelts CDs! Yay. They're pretty fucking amazing as well. :D Gawd I love good music.

Anyways I'm trying to get a scanner as so I can start working more tradiontally than digital. While I do appreciate digital art. I can't forget where I came from.

AND also I'm trying to put together a new portfolio and need 10 recent works. So from here on out I gotta focus on that so this is mainly going to contain work thats going to go into my portfolio. Case in point:

Two pieces I'm for sure going to be submitting. But if you have any crits on where to improve them now is the time that they're greatly needed and greatly appreciated. :D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hey there readers and viewers! Been a while eh? Allow me to update you on whats going on in my life!

-I managed to get involved in "fashion design" somehow and now I'm a concept/design artist for Adington Clothing Co. (c) and thats taking up a lot fo my time so I haven't really had time to draw things for myself.
-I hit an incredibly bad artblock. Everything I drew looked like shit [[it still does]] but I mean I'm able to draw somewhat decently.
-I started skating AGAIN. I don't know why I quit and then pick it back up. Its like a yo-yo with me.
-College! I'm planning to start UNI soon so that means I actually need to be drawing more often. Again though the fashion thing is taking up most of my time.

I guess thats it. So in a nood to get back in "good graces" with someone here's new art!

So I'm Sorry Noir. Forgive me please? I don't know...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Trying something different.

Now I normally don't do more "cartoonish" kinda stuff because I get complaints about it. But drawing people has kinda lost my interest as well. :/ So in trying something completely new!

But there you go.

I liked doing this. Of course my lines are kinda shaky but thats okay. :)
Heh who would've figured. I'm actually kinda happy with the end result. Even if some parts are "askew". :/ gotta work on that.

I'll post the lines as well in case some of my readers [[who actually reads this?]] want to try their hands at coloring it!

Have at it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Burning evidence?

Well A LOT has happened as of late. Like a lot. I don't even understand where its all coming from but slowly and surely things might be making a return towards normal. I figuerd I'd update this more because I don't know I've been "neglecting" the blog a bit. Not really its just I don't want to fall into the habit of having to update the thing like I did constantly. :p so if it takes me a while to update its because I'm busy doing other shit.

I have a lot of artwork to upload [[alot of them are failures]] and drawing people isn't really my thing anymore apparently. :o

Gawd I smell like smoke. Blah. The neighbors were burning things in their backyard and there's a giant hazy cloud in the air. Its hard to breath, it makes its really fucking hot, and it makes you smell like smoke. Or bbq. Haha. I think they were burning evidence though...hrmm? Speaking of which teen drama loves to follow me. Stemming from one person. :/ Go figure. Anyways here's the art! Its a quickie thsi time so I didn't put as much time into it as the others y'know? I just needed somethign to do while the cable guy installed cable. Which still makes tv boring. I just have more options to be bored now. Yay!

Actually looking at it. Its really bad. Oh well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Better in time..

I need to get in a more "calm" state of being. I don't know why but I feel its what I should do. I tend to stress really easily at times and thats not good for my already damaged pysche [[sp?]]. Either ways getting back to normal. Learning to let go and things like that.

So here's new artwork for ya!
The ever so mysterious yet beautiful Noir. I don't know her real name. I don't even remember how I met her. When I first started doing this it looked alot my ex Kim. Hah.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Is already starting off horrible.

My "girlfriend" ran off to go get married to some guy that she spent the entire time we were together badmouthing. :/ And that pretty much just messed up my year completely. G'job Ale. You're a fucking idiot. I loved you. I can't bring myself to care for you now. Seriously. I don't know. Nobody really reads this anyways.

2009 isn't starting off good for me at all. I have plans on going to Uni this year so I guess I won't have a girlfriend to worry about. :(

I kept having dreams that this was going to happen. But I figured they were just those. Dreams. Turns out they were real and now I'm slapped with a nice dose of reality.

I have horrible luck with women. My brother was making fun of me because of it. 7 times now its been a shitty ending for me.

I don't know. I'm just going to neeed some time to get my head back on straight or something. I'm not to sure as of yet. I don't know how to feel about all of this. People were warning me about her in the beginning and me [[being the dumbass that I am]] decided that I wasn't going to listen.

So go ahead and say, "See I told you so."

I deserve it.

I don't know what to think, how to feel, what to say. It seems like nothing I can say will change the way things are. And what bothers me worse is that I don't know if I care or not...Things were going to come to head sooner or later and I wasn't that attached to Ale as I thought I was. I loved her [[or so I think]] but I don't know if I actually did or it was the "thought" of being in love with her that got me. Ever since Jasmin told me that it sticks with me. It makes lots of sense as well.

I'm really trying I am. Somethings gotta give with my relationships. My brother blames it on our last name. Apparently having the last name "Samples" means that you're entitled to be fucked over royally. Its happened lots of times in our lives and it continues till this day. And I was just bragging to my dad yesterday about her. :/

Either ways I'm not going to bore you with my life so here's some art for ya.