For real.
One of the best and thats why she's one of my favorite people to spend time with.
Its always something fun whenever she is around and its never dull. She just makes life fun. :D
She's calm, collective, funny as hell, and just all around great. I couldn't ask for a better friend than her. And I wouldn't replace her for anybody in the world. No doubt about it Brenda D. is the coolest person I know. :D congrats loser I mentioned you. >;]
Just kidding but love you loser you're are the bee's knees. Hahaha.
Anyways all things aside. I should have my debt issues cleared up partially [[see last post]] So now I should only have to pay $31 USD to insure that I graduate. :D took hours of searching but I managed to find all of my receipts from the past 4 years for school. Hahaha. Good stuff.
I have new art I'm not to sure if I want to post it or not. And is it just me or are the colors on that spiderman sketch kinda bleh? I hate it so I'll probably just post the pencil version or something. Make some lineart. I don't know.
We recently switched to Vista. After upgrading our computer of course. And now my version of Photoshop doesn't work. :/ how lame is that? Very if you ask me.
Vista seems to have a lot of problems I'm noticing. Besides the cool sleek look and things like that it sure is riddled with problems that make it not worth it. Oh well in due time I guess. I just gotta get used to it or something like that.
Anyways here you go. I'm going to throw some color on some of these but looking at the way they're drawn I'm not to happy with them. :/

And my final piece of this entry. Instead of doing my work like I'm supposed to do I usually see if there is an open page [[usually on the back of a packet]] and I draw. It was fun doing this and I think the end result [[although not finished]] came out looking pretty solid. :] and thats all I can ask for I guess.
Stay up.
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