I figured I had abandoned all the drama in my life when I turned 21 and came to terms with the fact that the past was the past and I could do nothing to change it; therefore embrace what the where the world has left me today and the person I have become in this journey known simply as "life".
But that does not seem to be the case going into this month. I miss my days of innocence...When the world was so simple and I could find joy in just doing menial childish things. If I recall correctly when I was younger the adults would always tell us that life got easier as you got older. If I could remember who it was that told me these things I would surely punch them in the gut for being either incredibly naive or just a plain idiot.
Nonetheless I miss blogging.
I miss updating this thing but since I, like an idiot tied it to my gmail account and cannot unbind the damn thing by any means at all. Plus my youtube account had to be bound to my gmail account for my phone I often forget the password to this thing. Nonetheless I shall try to post more often here. And probably bitch a lot more...
Here's some pretty art for you to look at that ways its not just about me bitching.
I never finish anything I start nowadays.
Shame really.
Au revoir.