Never finish anything. :p

I need to finish more things. Also work on my composition among other things. My mind is racing like a million miles an hour on shit I need to "finish" artistic wise. College is coming up and hopefully my transfer to University. I feel like I'm still in a "cartoony" age even with my portraits. :/ Not bueno.
Stay up.
Why I usually wait for like one whole month to update this blog. :p I'm starting to fall out of the "internet social circle" anyways. Blah. I hope to update soon but I haven't done much of anything as of late. I haven't drawn anything since the last time. I've attempted to paint some portraits but thats ended terribly. :/ Nonetheless the band I play drums for (Which has the dumbest name EVER) is actually doing quite well. We're supposed to play at some club. 1919 or something like that. And that could possibly lead to us getting to go on tour! Oh my. BUT! Like I've been saying we need to write our own songs as I'm tired of Incubus covers and if I have to play HEY YA! one more time I swear I'm going to kick in my drums and never look back.
I'm just ranting though. My mind longs for a relationship. I haven't had a meaningful one of those in a while (two years coming up on three). :/ lets see what college brings.
Nonetheless so we're set to play this gig, we've gotten more studio offers. HOPEFULLY we take them. I seriously want to get into a studio. But I don't know.
I need to focus on more obtainable goals ie ART. My love, my passion, my desire, etc etc.
I guess thats it. I'll update this more often hopefully.
Stay up.