I'm seriously overworked. I don't have time to do anything "fun" nowadays. And the worst part is I work all this time 10-7 mon-fri and I don't have ANY money. >:/WTF is that? I only get one day off [[which I'm wasting away updating this blog]] since its been getting neglected as of late. But its not necessarily my fault. I don't have internet [[except for my g1s]] and my brother decided it'd be a good idea to stuff our computer in his room. Which means that he's always on it and I'm forced to find other means to keep me entertained. Preferably Modern Warfare 2[[which yes I do own, and which yes I have beaten.]] Simply amazing, but kinda short. The midnight launch thing was okay. A lot of hardcore players were there. I was 14th in line so I got to get mine...well 14th. Hahaha. There was this little kid there that was a monster at the game [[parents let him play to many games]] and he talked a lot of shit. Good stuff. Good times.
Either ways I've been in an artistic slump. I've got my second sketchbook in the works but so far only one page has a doodle on it. :/ So Idk....I need to draw more but I lack motivation. Someone should inspire me!
Here's some art to keep you occupied since I lost ALL of my shit on fileden. :/

Off to play more MW2 :D
Stay up.