Not really. My Boss Bia [[who has the hardest last name in the world to pronounce]] is training me to be a "good-husband" by working. She's always lecturing me about how one day I'm going to have a wife who will want me to do everything for her and by making me do all the heavy-lifting at work its preparing me for the future or something like that? It doesn't make sense. Then she's always lecturing me about how I should marry a nice Thai woman. Which I can't help but chuckle at. I don't see how I can be expected to be a good-husband when I can't even be a good boyfriend. Or something like that? I don't know. All I know is they're planning on "setting me up" with a girl from Thailand. Oh boy. Blind dates. Never fun. I do enjoy going on dates though. So I don't know. "Makus" Bia tells me because she speaks broken english, "You gonna make a good husband. You just need to learn dat women don't want a lazy bum. They want a real stron man to help them. Thats why you need to lift and work hard now so you can party later. I work for 37 years and I very successful woman." [[trying to type how Bia talks]] The lectures go on and on but happen every other day. And there's Nook. Who calls me Margaret. Which sounds nothing like my name but she's also Thai. It seems like everyone at my job is trying to hook me up with someone. I don't know why exactly. But wherever I turn I'm either getting talked to about having a girlfriend [[which some people think I specialize in]] or its about marrying a nice Thai girl. Siriporn was Thai. She was also tall. But she told me in Thailand they're afraid of black people. So I don't think me hooking up with a girl straight from Thailand is going to fare well. Although I think we'd have beautiful kids. Hrmm...Still the aspect of getting set up with the boss' pick doesn't appeal to me. Just because its Bia...And Bia is crazy. 37 years of working has messed up her brain. But she has good intentions. We'll see what happens with this whole "Thai wife" thing. But I swear thai women sometimes contain "surprises" which I'm not fond of. Ala are males. :/ not to talk bad about Thai people of course. But porn does corrupt you. Not that I'm much of a fan of porn.
So Idk.
I'm Moving into my own place! Say what???
Sometime soon within the next month or so. Well I'll be renting an apartment with my brothers. But it'll be my own place. Just because I'm more than certain my parents are on the brink of kicking me out on my ass. :/ I'll keep you posted on that as time progresses on and on.
But yep. No rules.
This post is very unorganized.
I'm typing in a rush.
Work tomorrow. But I'm off Sunday! But then work all week.
Stay up.
Having a hard time with anatomy. :/ its like really kicking my ass.
Need to practice.

You can tell where my mind was at on this one as there's some sort of sexual reference in here...but...where?
EDIT: Lines are up

Stay up.
my dad is pissed off at me. Its nothing new. We don't get along for shit. :)
Here's some old art.
Every now and then I like to draw some traditional stuff. I'm actually getting into drawing with ballpoint pens. That ways it forces me to learn from my mistakes. Haha.

Stay up.
So I got denied my car. :/ It was a very long process and I was very fucking close to getting it. But my brother was being a bitch and was like, "I'll go with you but I'm not saying shit." so I was forced to do all the talking. It was fine and dandy until it came down to my contacts. Apparently I needed 5 people that know me like the back of my hand. >:/ Problem was only 3 out of 5 did. Because the others either couldn't be reached because they were at work or they weren't answering their phones. But I mean seriously I don't just talk to my friends spouting out my contact information. So I would expect them not to know exactly where I work or how long. The whole process was stupid honestly and truly. I'm guessing because I didn't have my license they didn't want to sell to me either. So I don't know. I'm going to take a couple of weeks. Get my license and then go and get my car. And in the mean time I'll save up more money. I'm actually kinda disappointed at the fact that I was denied because apparently my contacts are what fucked me over. :p Oh well there's always later. That damn Galant better still be there in 3 or so weeks because thats when I'm coming back for it. It was so nice. The seats. All of it. The radio sucked ass though. But radio's can be replaced. I will get that car. This is just something that I must overcome to get to what I need to be. So we'll see how it goes.
I guess that's it. I'll post new art later. I'm incredibly tired from standing in the billion degree Texas weather so maybe I'll take a nap!
A nice long nap.
Stay up.
So apparently my awesome phone isn't as awesome as I thought. :/ Go figure. But its not the phones fault its actually mine. Since the thing is a mini-computer I feel the need that it needs to be up to date on everything. So that means upping the firmware and such. Upon doing so somewhere along the line I disabled my text messages and picture messages. It wasn't obvious until someone mentioned, "Hey how come you never text back?" and I was like "no...No one ever texts me." which led to a 4 hour session of me trying to fix the damn thing. 1am - 5 am was spent sending texts to and from myself just to make sure it was up and running. And I can finally say that after some trial and error I have my texts back as well as my picture messages. :) I'm dead tired from trying to figure it out but apparently I just needed to reset my apn settings twice. :p go figure. Anyways nothing new really. I'm to tired. I'll post some traditional shit next time or whatever the case. SO IF YOU TEXTED ME OR TRIED TO CONTACT ME VIA CELLUAR THE PAST 1.5 WEEKS. I WAS NOT IGNORING YOU. I HAD NO IDEA THAT MY PHONE WASN'T WORKING CORRECTLY.
so don't think I didn't want to talk to you *cough*Dana*cough*
Guess that's it.
Happy 4th.
I need sleep.
Stay up.