With Spring break upon me and nearly over that means that the week was filled with no drawing whatsoever and pretty much spent Rock Banding it or playing RE5 [[Both of which are EXCELLENT]] but yeah alas as the break nears it end that means that its time to get back into the swing of things and get my lazy ass in gear. After all college is coming up! So in the meantime here's something I've been stalling on for like ever and FINALLY decided to call it done since there was no hope of getting it done anytime soon. :/
Curse my laziness as an "artist"

"Fall to Pieces"
Because I feel that sometimes my life is falling to pieces faster than I can pick them up. I skiped a lot of corners on this one because I was tired of looking at it and honestly it didn't come out like I had imagined it in my hear. :/ And I went incredibly crazy with the square brush in photoshop. But its okay because its cool. :D
Speaking of which I got the Ringling College Catalog for where I'll be attending college *Crosses fingers* to pursue my dreams of becoming an artist and yeah its AMAZING. Its a book first and foremost. Like a mini novel or whatever filled with beautiful art, locations, locales and everything. I'll have to scan it up later to show you what I mean.
So excited. Lets see what happens. August 15 is when it all goes down. So I'm going to need some money actually...Hrmmm?
Will draw for money.
My minds starting to wander. Thoughts of romance and such plague this bitter mind of mine.
Was pretty chill. Besides sitting in a dentists office and being nervous out of my ass. I don't know why but whenever I travel I seem to get really really nervous. :p I haven't figured that out yet...
Anyways so yeah I decided to chill at Tech [[my high school]] in the art room. Which I normally don't do but I don't know something opted me too. It was cool laughed it up. Saw people I haven't seen in like forever and I saw Kim...Yeah the ex. I wanted to say hi but I don't know I was in like some weird little state and she didn't bother to say hi to me. She actually shy'ed away when she saw me. :/ I don't know. I figured we had ended things on somewhat decent terms but guess not. Eren told me I should tell her hi but my stubborn male pride wouldn't let me do so. Then I saw Venessa. I haven't seen her in like forever and it was good to see her. :D she's always good people to be around. And she plans on moving near my house! To bad I'll be leaving then. We went apartment looking because she's going to be attending UTA and needed a place to crash. It was pretty cool. I'm going to like apartment looking. I saw a really nice one for $399 a month which doesn't sound bad and I would do if I had a steady job. But I don't so I can't. I was supposed to go back to the dentist at 2:00 but I didn't because I'm me and I function on different things and didn't want to go back. I stalled like crazy and they called my mom like I'm some child!!! Blah. Its cool though. They're good people.
Then I got home to find Rock Band waiting on me. :3 of course me being the drummer that I am set up the drums first and got rid of the other useless insturments. But I was out of practice. But luckily it came back. I wish I could say the same thing about skateboarding. :p
But yeah thats what I've been doing. I really should've said hi to Kim...I don't know why I didn't want to. I did but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I guess I figured if she wanted to talk to me she'd make an effort. Hahaha this is turning into another Kim post. I don't know why that bothers me so much. I saw a few other people I know it was pretty chill. Today was pretty chill actually besides my hand hurting like hell.
I did have some art to upload but I didn't save it so now I'm afraid to go and check on it. So you'll have to wait again.
Yes indeedy. I don't like the look of this blog. Not one bit. So I'm going to get around to fixing that up.
I'm in a new house! I'm back near where I grew up. :D thats a good thing. I think. Not really I don't like it here. Its not bad its just not great either. There's some stuff to skate here and there but the street is bullshit and eats my wheels alive. :p so that in term means there's no good skate spots. Plus I'm like in the middle of nowhere!!! Well not really but still its like that. All the houses look the same on our side of the street and if it wasn't for the slightly discolored objects here and there you wouldn't be able to peg my house even if I described it to the last detail. Thats how similar they ALL look. There are no hot girls either. :( at least I haven't seen any...I haven't been outside actually. I'd like to go its just I don't know where to go. When I get the chance to go outside its either too hot or too late. :p
It'll get better I hope. Soon? We'll see what happens.
On another note though I haven't drawn shit in like forever. I'm stalling like crazy and I know I am. Its just I really lack motivation. Besides trying to get into college [[and get the hell out of here]] there's not much in between. Nothing worth fighting for really. No one for that matter...gotta love euphamism eh?
Well I guess thats it. Just updating. The world around me just keeps on changing and it doesn't seem like I'm moving in the same direction it is. Its passing me by and each day I know its just another one wasted. But I'm not willing to do what I need to do to change that...
I haven't seen my friends in forever. I was supposed to see Venessa but she's off in her own life and pretty much I don't hang out with anyone. Hell the only people I talk to really are/were Jasmin, Venessa and some other people here and there on myspace everynow and then. I'm hardly on the thing nowadays. Guess its dying out for me. Maybe I should delete my myspace? Hrmm.
Well just random thoughts. Hopefully I'll draw something nice and pretty up and use my scanner for good. Hahahaha. Yeah right. We'll see how that goes. Either ways this is it....so yeah...
Gawd I hate the look of this blog.
I need to fix that.
ALSO!!! Applegeeks is at an all-time bore. I hate when they have these little intervals between the good stuff. I also dislike how much the style changes. I guess thats because I've out-grown my "machall" days. But still I can't get enough of it. I went back and reread the entire series actually.

It never gets old. Just the whole "Kermit wants to sex you up. Yes he does." bit makes me laugh my ass off pretty much.
Good shit. Good shit.
I cuss a lot.
EDIT: I changed the look. This'll hold for now. FOR NOW!!!