Is an epic musician/singer. Known for her work on such famous anime's as Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell. I must tell you that she is absolutely AMAZING. Her voice reminds me a bit of Frank Sanatra's style of way back when and me being the avid 30's fan that I am that ain't half bad. :) You should check her out for sure! You won't be disappointed.
I also just scored all of The Seatbelts CDs! Yay. They're pretty fucking amazing as well. :D Gawd I love good music.
Anyways I'm trying to get a scanner as so I can start working more tradiontally than digital. While I do appreciate digital art. I can't forget where I came from.
AND also I'm trying to put together a new portfolio and need 10 recent works. So from here on out I gotta focus on that so this is mainly going to contain work thats going to go into my portfolio. Case in point:

Two pieces I'm for sure going to be submitting. But if you have any crits on where to improve them now is the time that they're greatly needed and greatly appreciated. :D